Always heed the Raven. He is the King of Harbingers.
30 Years of Experience in Illustration, Comic Art Design, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, and Marketing

Matt Johnson – Owner of Raven Portents, LLC.
Matt Johnson is the product of a nomadic childhood that consisted of roaming around the western United States until he went to college. Discovering TTRPGs at the age of 10 in the early 1980s, Matt survived the Satanic Panic (it was real!) and has been active in the RPG hobby for most of his life. In the early 2000s, Matt was a webcomic pioneer with his Flash-based sci-fi comic titled dewclaw. When he is not subjecting players at this game table to cruel and unusual treatment, he is usually not sleeping because he’s working on any number of artistic endeavors.
Follow Raven Portents on Instagram @raven_portents to see what’s keeping Matt up at night.